EXAM PREPARATION: Conversations With Law Professors About Preparing For and Taking Exams

TOPIC: Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students

During the week of Oct. 17, 2005, CALI’s Director of Curriculum Development, Deb Quentel, spoke with six law professors about outlines, studying for class, preparing for exams, time management, and how professors grade exams. The conversations were recorded as podcasts. While these podcasts are not intended to take the place of a conversation with your professor, the professors hope that these podcasts give law students additional insight into the exam process.

Several of the professors have graciously offered to field questions from students about the exam process. Please send your questions to Deb Quentel <dquentel@cali.org>. She will forward them to the professors.

Panel 1: Professors Ron Eades, John Farago, Patrick Wiseman
Panel 2: Professors Ron Brown and Joe Grohman
Panel 3: Professor Darryl Wilson

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About Deb Quentel

Deb has been Director of Curriculum Development and Associate Counsel for CALI since 1997. During this time, Deb has worked with more than 120 faculty and law librarians and guided more than 700 lessons from start to website. Deb also oversees the development of titles for CALI's OER eLangdell Press. Prior to joining CALI, Deb was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Legal Writing and Research at Chicago-Kent College of Law.